Justin Pearson: The Democrat who many compare to Martin Luther King

Justin Pearson is a Democrat, an opponent of Donald Trump, a member of the Tennessee House of Representatives. And the victim of an unprecedented political maneuver. A meeting in Nashville.

“Welcome to the people’s house,” says Justin Pearson, inviting us into his office in the House of Representatives in the government district of Nashville, Tennessee. “At least it used to be.”

Justin Pearson is 29 years old, has been a member of the Tennessee state parliament for just over a year, and yet is already an American celebrity. Many even compare him to the early Martin Luther King. A beacon of hope in these hopeless times.

For the Democrats, at least.

For the Republicans, he is a vile agitator, a troublemaker. Their arch-enemy in Parliament. They have already tried everything to get rid of him. They are threatening to do it again.